Workshop Calendar 2024

Taster Sessions: Art Therapy and Mindfulness (1 hour, Online)
Dates throughout the year, next dates will be announced here.

Introduction to Art Therapy - Three Day Series (Online)
An Introduction to Art Therapy (1); Introduction To Art Therapy and Mindfulness (2); Art Therapy - Groups and Widening Circles (3)
Tuesdays weekly: 17th , 24th September and 1st October 2024 or
Tuesdays Monthly: 15th October, 5th November, 3rd December 2024
Book directly with University of Hertfordshire. 

'Mindfulness, Compassion and Delight:  Sessions for Parents
Three sessions: Online via Zoom Thursdays 26th September, 17th October, 21st November 2024
Community Morning at Tarner Children's Centre Brighton - 14th September 2024
Bookings will be open soon via Bodhi Tree Brighton Website


We can offer bespoke workshops for you or your organisation. Contact us to enquire.


We offer customised workplace workshops. Unique workshops which enhance communication and connections in your team. These workshops includes creativity, expression and mindfulness practices, tailor-made to fulfil your company’s objective. Contact us to enquire.

Previous Workshops

Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy: Approaches and Applications
CPD for art therapists - 10 - 4 pm Friday 10th and 11th November 2023
offered online with British Association of Art Therapists

Back to Your Body: An Afternoon of Yoga and Art Therapy
Next date t.b.c
at About Balance, Brighton


Art Therapy, Mindfulness, and the Body-Heart-Mind (Online)
12 - 3 pm on Tuesdays 14th, 21st and 28th November 2023 (a series of afternoon workshops)

Introduction to Art Therapy and Mindfulness
10 - 4 pm Saturday 20th May 2023
Offered at London Art Therapy Centre (Face to Face)

Series of Four Art Therapy and Mindfulness Workshops
 Opening to Joy and Expression (1)  Inviting Compassion (2) Exploring Resilience and Creativity (3)  Active Hope (4)
In person (in Lewes): 10 - 1 pm on Saturdays 29th April, 10th June, 15th July, 16th September
Online - Active Hope 12 - 3 pm on Friday 15th September

Please contact us if you wish us to offer one of the workshops (below) for your organisation.

Art Therapy, Mindfulness, and the Body-Heart-Mind
Saturdays November 2022 (full days)
In person at London Art therapy Centre

Series of Three Art Therapy and Mindfulness Workshops
Workshop One: Inviting CompassionWorkshop Two: Exploring Resilience and CreativityWorkshop Three: Active Hope
1- 4 pm on 3 Sundays 7 Nov, 5 Dec, 2021 16 Jan 2022
 with London Art Therapy Centre

Online Art Therapy Groups: from the inside-out
CPD for art therapists 29 Jan 2022 with London Art Therapy Centre

Facilitating Online Art Therapy Groups
CPD for art therapists - 10 - 5 pm Sat 19th June with  British Association of Art Therapists

Active hope and the Work that Reconnects
10 - 4 pm Sunday 9th May 2021
Outdoors with Bodhi Tree Brighton

Inviting Compassion:
An Art Therapy and Mindfulness Workshop which will explore taking care of ourselves, and each other, during these challenging times.

BAAT Free Lecture 5 - 7 pm on Wednesday 17th March 2021 (BAAT members only)
offered online with British Association of Art Therapists 

A Monthly Series of Art Therapy and Mindfulness Workshops
10 - 12 am Sundays on 10th Jan, 7th Feb 2021
offered online by Art Therapy and Mindfulness

Theory and Practice Weekend - 9th / 10th May 2020 at London Art Therapy Centre *Rescheduled to 3rd and 4th October 2020

Active Hope, Meditation and Art making retreat day  - Saturday 26th September, Bodhi Tree Brighton.

Online Intro to Art Therapy and Mindfulness (2 hour) 10 am - 12 am Saturday 8th August 2020

Art Therapy, Mindfulness and the Body, Heart, Mind - a series of three Saturday afternoons, 6th, 13th, 20th June at The Unity Centre, Lewes, East Sussex.* online via zoom 

Intro to Art Therapy and Mindfulness (2 hour), 4th April 2020 at The Unity Centre, Lewes, East Sussex* this workshop will be online via Zoom 

Introduction to Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy - 8th February 2020 - London Art Therapy Centre

BAAT regional group workshop, Intro to mindfulness-based art therapy session for BAAT registered art therapists - 25th January 2020 - BAAT Brighton regional group

Art Psychotherapy Interactive Day - 20th July 2019

Art Therapy, Mindfulness and Compassion, 15th June 2019, Bodhi Tree Brighton

Art Therapy, Mindfulness and Earth Care - 23rd March 2019, Still Space, Brighton

Art Therapy, Mindfulness and Compassion - 26th Jan 2019, Still Space, Brighton

Art Therapy, Mindfulnes and Embodiment, 12th Jan 2019, Still Space, Brighton